8 point Roof Inspection

8 Point Roof Inspection from A licensed general contractor. A comprehensive inspection involves assessing various aspects of your roof to identify any potential issues or areas of concern. Here’s a summary of the key points typically covered during our professional roof inspection:

# 1. Inspect Entire Roof Surface
  • Any elements that penetrate the roof surface, such as vents, pipes, or HVAC units, will be inspected for proper installation, flashing integrity, and potential signs of leaks.
  • Hail damage
  • Wind damage
  • Heat damage
# 2. Proper Roof Flashing
  • Flashing is the material used to seal joints and transitions on your roof, such as around chimneys, vents, and skylights. We will check for loose, damaged, or deteriorated flashing that could lead to water penetration.
  • Vents
  • Chimneys Special attention will be given to chimneys and skylights. We will check for cracks, loose flashing, damaged seals, or any other issues that may lead to leaks or water infiltration.
  • Walls
#3. Naturally Occurring Damage
  • Plant life
  • Lichen growth
  • Falling branches
#4. Proper Drainage From Gutters

Proper water drainage is crucial for roof health. Our inspection will examine the gutters, downspouts, and drainage systems to ensure they are clear of debris, properly secured, and functioning correctly.

  • Soft or weakened sheeting
  • Water intrusion
#5. Drip edge
  • Dented
#6. Metal Roof
  • Seams
  • Dents
  • fasteners
#7. Vents
  • Stacks
  • Covers
#8. Facia
  • soffit

Do you have hail or wind damage Contact Us (715)554-0808 We are A licensed and insured general contractor. Set up your free 8 point roof inspection today!

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